Right On Red

You never have to go right on red at a traffic light.

There are times when you can, but it is never required.

Sometimes people forget that.

The rules are simple.

  1. You must come to a complete stop behind the barrier line, (wide white stop line in front of you.)
  2. Signal your intention to turn with your right blinker. Yes, even if it is a turn-only lane.
  3. Look for a sign. If there is a big “No Turn On Red,” sign, you cannot go.
  4. Look for cars in all directions. Look left, right, straight ahead, and even for cars making U-turns. If anyone is going, they have right-of-way, and you cannot go.
  5. Look for pedestrians. I anyone is walking, they have right-of-way, and you cannot go.
  6. Look for flashing walk signs. Even if there are no pedestrians in sight, if there is a walk sign illuminated for pedestrians, you do not have right-of-way, and you cannot go.
  7. If there is no sign, no cars moving, no pedestrians, and no walk sign illuminated, then you can go right on red.

Know that most of the time, by the time you have figured all that out, the light goes green, and you can go anyways. If you are not certain about the situation, or cannot see well enough to feel safe, do not go. You never have the right-of-way making a right on red. There may be times when people around you might get frustrated if you do not even make an attempt, but you never have to go if you are unsure. I little experience out there on the busier roads, and you will feel better about those decisions. You can always try to figure it out when you are passenger a few times, before you try it yourself. Be safe!