Awesome Parenting

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Patrick made my week!  When we went out for our first driving hour, I asked how it went at home after the first day of class, where parents are encouraged to attend.  Patrick said that his Dad talked to him.  Dad has made a commitment to his son to try to be more aware of how he, himself,  is driving, and try to drive the way he wants Patrick to drive.  He said he would be more aware of how he is steering, going the speed limits, using his blinkers, and not being on his phone when he’s behind the wheel. He said it was not fair to ask his son to drive one way when he drove another way.  This absolutely made my week.

Patrick’s Dad, Thank you!  This is amazing parenting.  If I know one thing about 16 year-olds, it’s that they have no tolerance for hypocrisy, and we all know from experience that, “Do as I say, and not as I do,” does not work.  I love that you are setting a good example for your kiddo and also keeping yourself and the people on the road around you more safe in the process.  I wish everyone would learn from your example, and I hope Patrick really appreciates your commitment to him.  I know I do.  I know what a strong influence parents can be, when they do it right.  I’m a very happy teacher today.