Mask it or Casket
Too much?

Dog chasing a bicycle…
It’s not my students that are scary…
Construction Zone
Which Traffic Light is Mine?
Super Cool Bicycle People
Continuing our bicycle theme. Another fun moment from Main St. Texting while driving is illegal. Bicycles on the road are supposed to follow all the same rules as cars. They are supposed to stop at stop signs, signal their intention to turn, and I assume NOT text. Also, giant prolonged wheelies while swerving all over a busy road might not be my first choice, but to each their own.
Bicycle Drummer
Take it to the Mattresses
Has anyone ever seen a mattress on top of a car that looked safe and properly secured?
Yesterday we saw a car on Main St. with two mattresses bungee corded to the roof, leaning precariously. The passenger had his window down trying to prop them up. We were very glad to not be next to or behind them. Please take time to properly secure any items you are transporting for your safety and the people around you.
Thank you!